What Does It Mean to Be a Fully Managed Service?

Elderly woman smiling while being supported by a carer, with text reading "What Does It Mean to Be a Fully Managed Service?"

When exploring different care options, you might have come across the term ‘fully-managed’ service and wondered what it really means for you and your loved one’s care. It’s not always clear how this option differs from others, like introductory services or more hands-on, family-managed care.

In this blog, we’ll break down exactly what a fully managed service involves, how it compares to other care options, and what it could mean for you and your family. Whether you’re new to this process or weighing up your choices, hopefully this will help you feel more informed about the different options available.


What is a Fully Managed Care Provider?

A fully managed care provider handles every aspect of an individual’s care, so you don’t have to. The provider takes care of everything—from recruiting and training carers to managing their schedules and ensuring they follow the care plan precisely. The goal is to provide seamless, high-quality care that’s fully tailored to the individual’s needs, giving families peace of mind and freeing them from the day-to-day responsibilities of managing care.

This approach differs from other options like introductory agencies, which connect you with a carer but leave the rest in your hands. With an introductory service, you’re responsible for managing the carer, handling payments, and dealing with any issues that come up. While this can offer flexibility, it also means more work for you and your family. With family-managed care, you handle everything—from hiring and training carers to overseeing their daily tasks. While this gives you complete control, it can be overwhelming, especially if your loved one’s care needs are complex.

Continuity of care is a cornerstone of fully managed care. Clients benefit from a consistent care team that understands their care needs, daily routines, and personal preferences. This continuity helps in ensuring that the care provided is always in line with the individual’s needs, providing stability and familiarity that can be crucial for their well-being.

By choosing a fully managed care provider, you’re trusting professionals with all the details, allowing you to focus on spending quality time with your loved one without worrying about the logistics of their care.


Who is a Fully Managed Care Provider Right For?

A fully managed care provider is the right choice for those who need a bit more support—whether it’s due to complex health needs, personal preferences, or simply wanting peace of mind.


If Your Loved One Has Complex Needs:

If your loved one has complex needs that require consistent, specialised attention, fully managed care could be the perfect solution. It supports people who need regular help with daily activities, whether they’re living with a chronic condition, dementia, or mobility issues. With a fully managed service, the provider handles everything from administering medication to assisting with mobility and daily support, so you don’t have to worry about coordinating it all yourself.


If Your Family Prefers Not to Manage Day-to-Day Care:

Managing care can be a lot to handle, especially if you’re balancing it with other responsibilities. If you’d rather focus on spending quality time with your loved one instead of dealing with the logistics of their care, a fully managed service might be the right choice. It gives you peace of mind, knowing that professionals are handling everything—from arranging carers to making sure all care standards are met.


If Your Loved One is Elderly and Living Alone:

For elderly individuals who live alone and want to stay in the comfort of their own homes, fully managed care provides the reliable support they need. This service ensures they get help with daily tasks, medical needs, and any other challenges that might arise, all while maintaining their independence.


If Continuity in Care is Important:

Having the same carers who know your loved one well can make a real difference to their wellbeing. Fully managed care providers ensure continuity, so your loved one is looked after by familiar faces who understand their needs and preferences. This consistency is especially important for those with conditions like dementia, where a stable routine and familiar carers can help maintain a sense of security and well-being.


If you’re looking for a care option that covers all the bases—whether for someone with complex needs, an elderly person living alone, or to relieve your family from day-to-day management—fully managed care is the perfect fit.


Benefits of Choosing a Fully Managed Care Provider

Choosing the right care for your loved one is a big decision, and fully managed care providers offer some clear benefits that can make life a lot easier for everyone involved.


Comprehensive Care Management

Fully managed care providers handle everything, from hiring and training carers to ensuring they fit perfectly with your loved one’s needs and personality. They also provide ongoing support and supervision, so you don’t have to worry about the day-to-day details. This level of management ensures that everything runs smoothly and quickly addresses any changes in care.


Regulatory Compliance and Safety

A major perk of fully managed care is the peace of mind you get from knowing that the provider is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) or a similar body. They follow strict rules to keep your loved one safe and ensure high standards of care. Regular checks and updates maintain these standards, giving you confidence that your loved one is in good hands.


Continuity and Quality of Care

Continuity is key, especially for people who rely on routine and familiar faces, like those with dementia. Fully managed care providers are great at matching your loved one with carers who really get them, building a strong, trusting relationship. Plus, if the regular carer can’t make it for any reason, the provider will have an expert team ready to step in, so there’s no disruption in care.


Holistic and Personalised Care

Fully managed care isn’t just about meeting physical needs—it’s about looking after the whole person. Personalised care plans address your loved one’s medical, emotional, and social needs, helping them stay connected with their interests and social circles. This approach ensures that your loved one’s care is not only appropriate but also enriching, making their day-to-day life as fulfilling as possible.


In short, fully managed care providers take the stress out of arranging care by handling all the details with expertise and compassion, giving you peace of mind and ensuring your loved one gets the best possible care.


When Fully Managed Care Might Not Be the Right Option

Although fully managed care offers many advantages, it doesn’t always suit everyone. Here are a few scenarios where another type of care might be a better match:


If You Prefer a More Hands-On Role in Day-to-Day Care:

In a fully managed care service, families are still very much involved in making key decisions and shaping the care plan to suit their loved one’s needs. However, if you prefer to handle more of the daily details—like selecting carers yourself, setting up schedules, or making quick adjustments—you might lean towards an introductory service or family-managed care. These options allow for a higher level of direct involvement in the everyday management of care, giving you more flexibility to tweak things as needed.


If Cost is a Major Concern:

Because fully managed care offers a comprehensive service, it can be more expensive than other care options. If your budget is a key factor, and you’re comfortable with taking on some of the management tasks yourself, you might find that a more affordable option, like using an introductory agency or managing care independently, works better for you.


If You Need Flexible, Shorter Visits:

Fully managed care providers typically start with visits that are at least an hour long, ensuring thorough and attentive care. However, if your loved one only needs very brief check-ins or minimal support that doesn’t require an hour-long visit, you might want to explore other care options that offer more flexibility with shorter visits.


If Flexibility is a Priority:

Fully managed care providers consistently deliver high-quality care within a structured framework. But if your loved one’s needs change frequently or you want the ability to make quick adjustments to their care plan, you might find that a more flexible care option better suits your situation.


By considering these factors, you can decide if fully managed care is the right choice for your family or if another approach might better fit your specific needs.


Making the Right Choice for Your Family

Choosing the right care for your loved one is a significant decision, and understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of fully managed care can help you make an informed choice. Fully managed care providers take care of all the details, delivering comprehensive, high-quality care that eases the pressure on families and ensures your loved one is well looked after. However, consider your family’s specific needs, preferences, and circumstances to determine if this is the best fit.


At Unique, we focus on delivering fully managed care that gives our clients the high-quality service and personal attention they deserve. If you’re still unsure whether fully managed care is right for you, or if you have any other questions, we’re here to help. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us—we’re happy to discuss your options and guide you through the decision-making process to find the care solution that works best for you and your family.

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