The benefits of live-in care and some of the disadvantages

A gentleman and his carer sat smiling while chatting over a cup of tea

There are so many care options out there, and it’s not always an easy task to determine which is right for you or your loved one. It’s also not a decision you want to get wrong. With live-in care specifically, there are many things that, while not the sole focus of the service, are fundamental in its personalised and thoughtful approach.

In this blog, we will explore the various benefits of live-in care, such as independence and choice, improved mobility, tailored nutritious meals, and reduced loneliness. We’ll also discuss some potential disadvantages, such as cost considerations and privacy concerns, to help you make a well-informed decision about the best care option for your situation.


An infographic summarising the benefits and disadvantages of live-in care


What are the Benefits of Live-In Care?


Picking the right care option can be tricky, but knowing the benefits of live-in care can help. Live-in care offers a mix of personalised support, flexibility, and the comfort of home, which can make a big difference in someone’s life. Here’s why live-in care is a great choice for many families.


Independence and Choice

A lady stood by a window smiling at her carer

Live-in care is all about promoting independence and giving people

choices. With a live-in Caregiver, individuals can stay in their own home, sticking to the daily routines and lifestyle they’re used to. They have the freedom to decide how they spend their day, what activities they do, and what meals they eat, all with the support of a Caregiver who respects their preferences.

This setup not only boosts their quality of life but also helps them feel more empowered and confident. Having control over their schedules and the assistance tailored to their needs means they can live with dignity and maintain a sense of autonomy. Live-in care ensures that while they get the help they need, they continue to lead the life they choose, reinforcing their independence every day.


Improved Mobility

Live-in care provides individuals with the freedom to stay active and enjoy outdoor activities at their own pace. Clients aren’t restricted to schedules or timings so can go for walks, run errands, and participate in spontaneous trips whenever they wish.

This flexibility not only boosts physical health by maintaining strength, balance, and overall vitality but also enhances mental well-being. Regular movement and exercise are crucial in preventing falls and other mobility-related issues.


Tailored Nutritious Meals

A carer and client smiling while cooking together Meals tailored to specific dietary needs and personal tastes are a major benefit of live-in care. While communal care settings always strive to offer personalised meals, the nature of their service can sometimes make it challenging to meet everyone’s unique preferences and requirements.

With a live-in Caregiver, your loved one can have meals that suit their diet perfectly, whether they have allergies, need to manage a condition like diabetes, or simply have particular likes and dislikes. Caregivers can adjust meal times to fit their routine and prepare their favourite dishes, making mealtime something to look forward to.

Plus, your loved one can take the lead on preparing the shopping list and meal planning. This way, they’re in control of choosing their favourite foods and managing their dietary needs. They can also get involved in cooking meals at their own pace and ability, which not only makes meals more enjoyable but also promotes independence and choice. This hands-on approach helps maintain their cooking skills and brings a sense of satisfaction and autonomy to their daily life.

Reduced Isolation and Loneliness

Feeling lonely is a big issue for many older adults in the UK. According to Age UK, 1.4 million older people often feel lonely, and over 2 million people aged 75 and above live alone. More than a million older adults in England can even go over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour, or family member.

Having a live-in Caregiver can really change this. With a live-in Caregiver, there’s always someone around to chat with, share a meal, engage in activities or just keep you company. This regular interaction can boost your mood and mental well-being. Live-in Caregivers do more than just help with daily tasks—they become trusted companions who can make a huge difference in reducing those feelings of loneliness and improving quality of life.


Quality Time with Family

Live-in care allows families to enjoy quality time together without the stress of caregiving duties. Family members can visit as oftenElderly lady being reassured and receiving support as they like and be as involved as they want, making visits more relaxed and enjoyable. This flexibility helps strengthen relationships and provides better emotional support for everyone involved.

With a live-in Caregiver handling daily care needs, families can focus on meaningful interactions. Whether it’s sharing a meal, going for a walk, or just having a chat, these moments become more special and stress-free. This setup creates a positive environment where family bonds can thrive, enhancing the well-being of both the person receiving care and their loved ones.


One-on-One Expert Care

Live-in care ensures individuals receive one-on-one attention from a trained professional who can cater to their specific needs. This level of personalised care means the Caregiver can easily pick up on any changes in the individual’s health and well-being, allowing for prompt adjustments to care plans and involving relevant health professionals promptly. Whether it’s managing medication, assisting with daily activities, or providing specialised care for conditions like dementia, the Caregiver’s focus is solely on their client.

This dedicated approach helps improve overall health outcomes and provides peace of mind for both the individual and their family. Knowing that a professional is always there to provide the necessary care and attention can significantly reduce stress and anxiety for everyone involved.

Familiar Surroundings

An elderly lady sat on the sofa cuddling her cat, accompanied by her caregiverStaying in familiar surroundings is beneficial for all older people. Maybe they grew up on that road, raised their children in that home, or simply want to remain surrounded by neighbours and friends, happy memories and sentimental belongings. Being in a known environment filled with personal items can significantly reduce confusion and anxiety, providing a sense of comfort and security. This familiarity helps improve overall well-being and makes the individual feel more at ease.

Living at home also allows individuals to maintain their daily routines and enjoy a sense of independence, which is crucial for their mental and emotional health.

Cost-Effective for Couples

For couples, live-in care can be a more cost-effective solution than residential care homes. Instead of paying for two separate accommodations, a single live-in Caregiver can support both individuals, significantly reducing costs. This approach not only makes financial sense but also allows couples to stay together in their own home, maintaining their shared routines, privacy and companionship.

The emotional and psychological benefits of being together in a familiar environment can be profound. If a couple has spent many happy years together, being in an unfamiliar care facility, potentially in separate rooms, can be distressing. Staying together in their own home allows couples to continue sharing their lives and experiences, contributing to a happier and healthier life for both partners.


What are the Disadvantages of Live-In Care?


While live-in care offers many benefits, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks to make a fully informed decision. Every care option has its challenges, and live-in care is no exception. In this section, we’ll explore some of the disadvantages of live-in care, such as the costs involved, the process of finding the right Caregiver, and privacy concerns. Understanding these factors can help you weigh the pros and cons and choose the best care solution for your situation.

Finding the Right Carer

A gentleman and his carer smiling while cooking togetherFinding the right live-in Caregiver who matches the client’s needs and personality can be quite challenging and time-consuming. It involves not only evaluating the Caregiver’s qualifications and experience but also ensuring they are a good fit for the individual’s lifestyle and preferences. This can include considering factors like the Caregiver’s compatibility, personality, hobbies, and even sense of humour, to ensure they match well with the client’s daily life. The right match can significantly impact the quality of care and overall satisfaction, making this a crucial step in the process.

This is a really important part of effective care, so we carefully match Caregivers and clients based on personality, likes, dislikes, and other important factors to ensure a harmonious relationship. If it turns out that the match isn’t quite right, we will promptly arrange for a replacement Caregiver to ensure continuous, comfortable care. Our goal is to make sure you or your loved one always feels comfortable and well-supported, without the stress of managing the search process on your own.


Privacy Concerns

Having a new person living in your home can sometimes feel intrusive and impact your sense of privacy. Some individuals might find it difficult to adjust to sharing their personal space with someone who is not a family member. This can include feeling uncomfortable with someone being present during private moments or having to adapt to another person being involved in your routines. The constant presence of a Caregiver might make some people feel like they have less control over their personal space, which can affect their comfort level and overall satisfaction with the care arrangement.

However, establishing clear boundaries and open communication can help mitigate these concerns. Our Caregivers are trained to be respectful of your privacy and to ensure they only assist when needed, allowing you to maintain your independence and personal space as much as possible. This thoughtful approach can help make the presence of a Caregiver feel less intrusive and more supportive.

Cost Considerations

Retired couple sat at table with care advisor and in front of laptop discussing questions about live in care on the Birmingham page.The cost of live-in care can vary widely, making it essential to evaluate the financial implications carefully to ensure it fits within your budget. While live-in care for a single person is often more expensive than a residential care home, it offers a higher level of personalised care which many find invaluable.

It’s worth noting that there are financial supports available in the UK to help manage the cost of care. Local authorities can provide funding assessments to determine eligibility for support. Additionally, benefits such as Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and Caregiver’s Allowance may be available to those who qualify.

For more comprehensive advice, organisations like Age UK and Citizens Advice can provide guidance on accessing financial support and navigating the funding process. These resources can help you understand what financial help is available and how to apply for it, ensuring that you can make live-in care a feasible option for you or your loved one.


Home Adjustments

Deciding to remain in your own home with live-in care may require some modifications to accommodate care needs. These adjustments can include installing ramps, stairlifts, or other accessibility features to ensure safety and ease of movement. One important consideration is that you may need to give up a room for the live-in Caregiver, which can affect the home’s layout and available space. This might involve reorganising the home to ensure both the individual receiving care and the Caregiver have comfortable and functional living areas.

These changes can add to the overall cost and complexity of setting up live-in care, so it’s important to consider these potential expenses and the time needed to make these modifications. There is some support available to help manage these adjustments. You can request a home assessment from your local council, where an occupational therapist (OT) will visit your home and recommend necessary changes. This assessment is usually free, and for adaptations costing less than £1,000, the council often covers the cost. For more expensive modifications, you might be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG).


Continuity and Breaks

Live-in Caregivers need breaks and time off, which means arranging for substitute Caregivers. This change in personnel can be disruptive and unsettling for some individuals, particularly those with specific care needs. Ensuring continuity of care requires careful

caregiver and elder gentleman - receiving respite care and helping family members take a break

planning and coordination, adding a layer of complexity for families managing live-in care arrangements.

However, our fully managed service aims to make this process as smooth as possible. We typically assign two Caregivers who work on a rotational basis, ensuring they both get to know your routines and work seamlessly together. This approach maintains consistency and familiarity, which is crucial for the comfort and well-being of those receiving care.

For break cover, we’re able to provide visiting domiciliary care for two hours per day in areas where we have branches, including South Warwickshire, Solihull, Coventry, and the surrounding areas. In areas we don’t provide visiting care, families would need to cover breaks themselves or arrange for a visiting care provider. This ensures that the primary Caregiver can take necessary breaks while the individual continues to receive the support they need.

For those requiring moving and handling support where two Caregivers are necessary, we can arrange for additional visiting care to assist in our hourly service areas. If the accommodation allows, we can also arrange for two permanent Caregivers to provide continuous support. This thoughtful planning helps minimise disruption and maintain a high level of care, providing peace of mind for both the individual and their family.


Making an Informed Decision

Choosing between live-in care and other care options is a significant decision, and everyone will have different circumstances that contribute to whether it’s the right choice for them. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of maintaining independence and familiar surroundings against the potential challenges of cost and privacy.

If you’re considering live-in care for your loved one, download our comprehensive guide on live-in care to learn more about the logistics, funding, process for getting care in place and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision. Our guide provides detailed information and helpful tips to ensure you choose the best care option for your family.


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