Julie’s Story: How Live-In Care Brought Peace of Mind | Unique Senior Care


Julie and Rita’s Journey 

Julie and her mother, Rita, found themselves in a situation that many people face – trying to find the right kind of care for a loved one while juggling both practical and emotional concerns.

Rita, who has Alzheimer’s, was living in a care home after the death of her husband, but it quickly became clear that the environment wasn’t right for her. 

Even though the care home staff did their best, the busy atmosphere and shared attention made it hard for Rita to feel settled. She wasn’t sleeping or eating properly, and this led to weight loss, which worried Julie.

More than that, Rita seemed to retreat into herself, and Julie felt like the vibrant woman she knew was slipping away. This isn’t uncommon in larger care environments where, despite the best efforts of the staff, the ability to provide the personalised, one-on-one care some individuals need can be a challenge. 

It became clear that what Rita needed wasn’t just care, but personalised attention tailored specifically to her – something that a home care setting, with a one-to-one Caregiver focused entirely on her preferences and routine, could provide. 


Finding a Better Solution 

Knowing something had to change, Julie made the decision to bring Rita back home. She arranged live in care, hoping that having someone there to focus entirely on her mum would make all the difference.

And it did. The Caregivers provide Rita with the personalised support she needs, adapting to her personality and routines. 

Of course, no care journey is without its challenges. In Rita’s case, after trying a few different Caregivers, her family and care manager realised she connected better with younger caregivers. They took a more laid-back approach, avoiding the instinct to ‘mother’ her, which helped Rita feel more at ease and in control of her day-to-day life.

This insight has allowed Julie and our care team to work closely together to find the right match, ensuring that Rita’s care experience has been much smoother and more comfortable. 

Rita’s Caregivers have quickly picked up on what works best for her, like letting her take her time getting dressed and knowing when to step back and give her space.

This kind of thoughtful, tailored care is one of the real strengths of live-in support – it creates a peaceful and familiar environment where the focus is on what works best for the individual. For Rita, that made all the difference, helping her feel more comfortable and at ease. 


Life After Live-In Care 

The change in Rita since coming home has been remarkable. She’s sleeping through the night, eating well, and her overall health has improved. But more than that, her personality has started to shine through again.

She’s more involved in her daily life, making choices about how she spends her time, and generally feeling more like herself. 

Rita now spends her days doing things she enjoys, like going for walks, browsing charity shops, or attending church with her caregiver. These simple, familiar activities help keep her engaged with the local community and allow her to continue doing the things she loves.  

It’s not just Rita who’s feeling the benefits – Julie does too. The relief of knowing her mum is being well cared for has lifted a huge weight off her shoulders.

She’s able to relax and sleep more easily, no longer worrying about Rita’s well-being. Julie now has more peace of mind, allowing her to enjoy their time together in a way that wasn’t possible before. 

Looking back, Julie is confident that bringing her mum home and choosing live-in care was the right decision. She feels reassured that others in similar situations might find live-in care to be just as affordable as a care home, but with the added comfort of knowing their loved one is receiving care that’s tailored to them.

For Julie, this decision has made a world of difference, improving not just her mum’s well-being but her own peace of mind too. 

Their story highlights how personalised, thoughtful care can make a meaningful difference – not only for the person receiving it, but for their family as well, bringing a sense of comfort and reassurance. 


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