How Our Moving and Handling Training Supports Family Caregivers


At Unique Senior Care, we know how important family members are in the care of their loved ones. Supporting families is a key part of what we do. Richard, whose sister is supported by us at Tithe Lodge in Southam, recently attended our moving and handling training session. His experience showed how important proper training is for family caregivers and how it helps ensure the safety and dignity of their loved ones. Richard’s journey with our training highlights how giving family caregivers the right skills and knowledge benefits everyone involved.


Richards Story

Richard is actively involved in his sister’s care and regularly communicates with her care team at Tithe Lodge. When the manager invited him to join our moving and handling training, led by our Caregiver Trainer, Pippa and Learning and Development Manager, Jo Cleary, Richard accepted. Knowing that his sister has 24/7 support gives him peace of mind, but he realises he must be better prepared to support her mobility needs as her Alzheimer’s progresses.

Richard’s decision to attend the training was influenced by his past experiences caring for family members. He had previously cared for his father, who had Alzheimer’s, and his mother-in-law, both of whom had limited mobility. During those times, Richard often relied on what he saw others do, which sometimes led to improper methods of supporting mobility. These experiences made him aware of the challenges involved in providing physical support without proper training.

By attending the training, Richard hoped to gain valuable knowledge and skills that would help him provide better care. He wanted to ensure that he was not only supporting his sister effectively but doing so in a way that respected her dignity and minimised the risk of harm. He is determined to learn the proper techniques from professionals rather than rely on observation and guesswork.


Richard’s Experience with Moving and Handling Training

Richard found the training session incredibly valuable. He was surprised to learn that many of his previous methods to support his loved ones’ mobility were incorrect and potentially unsafe. The session provided clear, practical guidance on safe moving and handling techniques. This has given him the confidence to support his sister’s mobility needs correctly.

He appreciated the opportunity to engage with the carers during the training. Richard observed their dedication and noted the diversity of experience within the team. Some carers were very experienced, while others were new to the role, yet all were committed to learning and improving their skills. This mix of experience levels created a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

Richard also noted that the training wasn’t just about physical techniques. It emphasised the importance of understanding the emotional and psychological aspects of care. He was impressed by how the carers were taught to consider the mental and emotional well-being of the individuals they support, not just their physical needs.

Overall, the training left Richard feeling well-prepared and more confident in his ability to assist his sister safely and effectively. He valued the practical skills he gained and the insights into the compassionate care philosophy embraced by our team.


Key Takeaways from Richard’s Moving and Handling Training

Richard’s main takeaway from the training was the importance of using proper techniques and the value of continuous learning. He realised that many of his previous methods were incorrect and potentially harmful. The training provided him with the right skills and knowledge to safely support his sister’s mobility needs.

Richard strongly encourages other family members in similar situations to participate in the training. By learning the correct methods, they can avoid the risks associated with improper lifting and ensure the safety and well-being of their loved ones. Richard found the training helpful for the physical aspects of care and appreciated the opportunity to connect with our dedicated carers.

Reflecting on his experience with us, Richard shared, “The care given to the individual is absolutely wonderful. They are honest, fair, and deliver it with feeling, always taking my sister’s mental health as well as physical health into consideration.”


Why Safe Moving and Handling is Crucial in Social Care

Proper moving and handling techniques are essential in health and social care as they ensure the safety and well-being of both caregivers and those they care for. When Caregivers learn the correct methods, it improves the quality of care and helps keep everyone comfortable and safe:

  • Prevents Injuries: Both the caregiver and the person being cared for can get hurt if mobility support techniques are incorrect. Proper training helps avoid these injuries.
  • Promotes Dignity: Safe and proper handling techniques ensure the person being moved feels comfortable and respected.
  • Enhances Care Quality: Well-trained caregivers can provide better support, which leads to overall better care.
  • Reduces Stress: Knowing safe movement methods reduces stress and worry for both the Caregiver and the family member, creating a more positive environment.


Join Our Training

Richard’s experience shows the importance of proper training for anyone involved in caregiving. Our moving and handling sessions give family members the best practice skills and confidence needed to provide safe and effective support.

This week, we welcomed two more family members to our training. We were delighted to help them learn the proper techniques for supporting their loved ones. If you’re assisting a loved one with their mobility, we invite you to join our training sessions. It’s a great opportunity to learn the right techniques and ensure their safety and well-being.

If you’re interested in attending or would like to find out more, then please contact Jo Cleary at Together, we can ensure everyone receives the best possible care and support.


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